Kitchen Bag Dispensers

Kitchen Bag Dispensers

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We love to reduce, reuse, and recycle in this day and age, so why not create something that makes it easier? Saving all those plastic grocery bags from shopping can get a little overwhelming when you don?t have proper storage for them. Now you can keep your kitchen neat and tidy by creating your very own Kitchen Bag Dispenser! Create a quilted dispenser that coordinates with your kitchen?s theme, and hang it anywhere you want so you?ll have a plastic bag at any moment?s notice!

This collection features 13 different quilt blocks that you can choose from to create the bag dispenser, as well as a square stippled quilt block that you can use to customize your block andarrange it in various ways. Each block will come in three sizes so you can create a bag dispenser that will suit your kitchen space. Easily hang this project inside a pantry door or even under a cabinet for quick access to your reusable plastic bags.

PLEASE NOTE: This item is a digital download, including PDF tutorial and collection design files in all machine formats; it is not available on disc.